10 Ways To Be Involved In Your School's Decisions

  1. Attend school board meetings in your community to find out what the Board is doing? (A telephone call to the District Clerk’s Office in the district will enable you to find out when and where the next meeting of the Board is to be held.)
  2. Once you get a sense of the issues the Board is working on, request the opportunity to speak to the Board about the issues that are of interest to you, or that you have an opinion on. (The District Clerk can tell you the proper protocol to follow to speak to the Board.)
  3. At this time of year the Board and Administration are working on construction of the Proposed School Budget for the 2022-2023 School Year. Ask for copies of draft budgets as they become available and offer construction suggestions regarding the budget.
  4. Consider writing a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper outlining your thoughts on an issue the Board is dealing with currently.
  5. When the school district is looking for volunteers for committees, planning teams etc. make a call to the Superintendent’s Secretary to let the district know you are willing to serve.
  6. Read the District Newsletter, if one is distributed, to keep up to date on what is going on in the district.
  7. Join the local Parent Teacher Association (PTA or PTO), attend the meetings and consider becoming an officer of the group.
  8. Offer to be a Volunteer in your school. This may involve such activities as tutoring a student, working in the library or helping in the cafeteria. 
  9. Always present yourself as a positive person, looking to encourage the good things that are going on in the district, not a “negative” person who finds fault with everything.
  10. Consider running for a seat on your local Board of Education.